Are you being manipulated by crime statistics?
11 years ago
We are often asked: “Why don’t you ever quote crime statistics?” Our answer: “Because crime statistics are rarely accurate. The numbers are played with (reclassified) to support—political agendas.” Our answer…
REPOST FROM CINCINNATI.COM: Long run home after 2003 stabbing
12 years ago
Four-tenths of a mile was all that stood between Casey Hilmer and home. It was July 13, 2003, a sunny, sultry Sunday, just before dusk. After running up Spooky Hollow…
3 Missing Women Escape Captivity!
12 years ago
Family’s prayers answered! Incredible Courage is alive in Cleveland, OH! I, like you, will watch and listen deeply to our Country’s new “experts” on kidnapping —the three brave women who…